South End Zone

The South End Zone is the oldest Green Bay Packers-related web site in the world! Now in my 30th season, I'm providing fun and simple access to some interesting historical data.

I launched this site in October 1995 when I was living in southern California. For the first 26 seasons, the site continued to grow larger and more complex. The most popular feature was the football schedules available as iCal feeds. Fans loved subscribing to their team's schedule in any time zone of the world. And I enjoyed writing new and creative programs, providing you with more interesting ways to view football data.

But, based on a number of factors, I decided to shut down the site as it was (Feb 2021) and scale back significantly. There are many sites out there that provide the data that I was providing. So today, I'm focusing more on historical data. I've rebuilt the site, starting with my database of every game the Packers have ever played (since 1919). I subsequently added the Packers draft database and the Packers roster.

Note that when I do this stuff, I try to offer features that you can't find anywhere else. For example, notice how you can sort my Packers roster by any column you want (forward or backward).

PLEASE. PLEASE. If you have any suggestions, let me know. In December 2021, Ryan asked me for a simple way to show which games the Packers have played on Christmas Day. So I added Thanksgiving and Christmas to the drop down values in the 'Date' selection. Seriously, I want your requests. If it's not too far-fetched, I'll probably do it. Just let me know.



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